Asp in Gullspång River

The distribution of asp in Sweden is limited and mainly associated with water bodies in Mälardalen, Emån, Dalälven, Lake Vänern, Göta älv, and the Motala ström water system. In Gullspång River, individuals of this species have been found in previous surveys, but whether stable spawning occurs is unclear. On behalf of Fortum, we conducted an […]

Gullspång salmon

The Gullspång River harbors one of the few naturally reproducing populations of wild freshwater salmon, which is considered valuable from both a national and international perspective. On behalf of Fortum, we conducted an eDNA survey of fish in the Gullspång River, with a specific focus on this salmon population. In addition to providing valuable information […]

Fish and mussels in Helsinki

The City of Helsinki has commissioned a study to assess the environment in Botbyviken. The investigations aim to evaluate the impact of the new residential area at Botbystranden on the underwater environment and the beaches in the area. MIX Research Sweden is currently supporting Alleco Oy in the research by using eDNA to study the […]

Pink salmon in Sweden

The project aims to give an overall picture of the distribution of spawning pink salmon on the Swedish west coast and determine spawning success by examining whether there are any pink salmon fry in selected rivers using environmental DNA (eDNA). The project which stretches over 2023-2024 is financed through the Swedish Research Council FORMAS and […]

Analysing impact of migration barriers

In this eDNA survey of fish and mussels on behalf of CAB Stockholm a total of nine rivers are included where we analyse impact of migration barriers and connectivity in complex river systems. Further we look for invasive species within these target groups. The results can be used as a basis for suitable mitigations and […]

Fish abundance and water chemistry in the Moälven – indicators of pollution

A survey of fish and crayfish communities in Moälven River, Västernorrland County was carried out on behalf of Moälven FVO and Moälvsfisket. eDNA was analysed from 14 sites for fish and two sites for crayfish detections. The eDNA multispecies analyses identified 21 unique fish species and one species complex. Twice as many fish species were […]

Grip on Life

Två kvinnor står i en å och samlar in prover i en röd hink. Målet är att ta undersöka förekomsten av musslor, fiskar och groddjur.

eDNA GRIP is a collaborative research and inventory project within the EU life Project Grip on Life and EU Triple Lakes IP. Partners in the project are MIX Research Sweden AB (PI), Karlstad university and the Country administrative Boards of Jämtland and Västernorrland in Northern Sweden. We will analyse presence of mussels (with focus on […]

Rare and red-listed fungi in Norrbotten

En silvrig bil står i skogsbrynet. En man plockar ut material till sitt forskningsprojekt ut bakluckan.

eDNA from soil can reveal a lot about the biodiversity of bacteria, invertebrates, and fungi which is a useful indicator of the ecological state of different ecosystems. In this project on behalf of the CAB of Norrbotten we´re looking for rare and red-listed fungi associated to old coniferous forests. These species of fungi are all […]

Snow tracks – Polar bear

Snöskotrar som kör i mörkret. På väg hem efter ett projekt att kartlägga isbjörnar i Alaska.

This exciting ongoing project will examine the most optimal methods to identify polar bear individuals, sex and kinship from snow.  Here we use eDNA from polar bear’s footprints collected in in Alaska and elsewhere to identify polar bear individuals. During 2021 and 2022 new polar bear footprints were collected in the Arctic and processed in […]