Två kvinnor står i en å och samlar in prover i en röd hink. Målet är att ta undersöka förekomsten av musslor, fiskar och groddjur.

Grip on Life

eDNA GRIP is a research project within the EU initiatives GRIP on Life and Life Triple Lakes IP, conducted in collaboration with MIX Research Sweden AB, Karlstad University, and the County Administrative Boards of Jämtland and Västernorrland. The project’s objective is to use advanced eDNA analysis of water and sediment samples to map the presence of the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera), fish, amphibians, and benthic organisms in both running waters and lakes in Jämtland County.

The research focuses not only on detecting the presence of freshwater pearl mussels but also on analyzing the genetic relationships between different populations, which is crucial for conservation efforts. By complementing eDNA surveys with analyses of smaller benthic organisms such as worms, snails, and insects, the project provides a comprehensive assessment of ecosystem health and biodiversity.

This project enhances the understanding of the ecology and distribution of the freshwater pearl mussel, which is vital for developing effective conservation programs and restoration strategies for endangered species. By utilizing cutting-edge eDNA technology, the research enables non-invasive, efficient, and highly sensitive environmental monitoring, contributing to a more data-driven and scientifically grounded approach to freshwater conservation management in Sweden.

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