Asp in Gullspång River
The distribution of asp (Leuciscus aspius) in Sweden is limited and primarily associated with water bodies in the Mälardalen, Emån, Dalälven, Lake Vänern, the Göta River, and the Motala Ström water system. Previous surveys have confirmed the presence of the species in the Gullspång River, but whether stable spawning occurs in the system has remained […]
Gullspång salmon
The Gullspång River is home to one of the few naturally reproducing populations of wild freshwater Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), which is of significant conservation value both nationally and internationally. To assess the status and distribution of this population, MIX Research Sweden AB conducted an eDNA survey of the fish fauna in the Gullspång River […]
Fish and mussels in Helsinki
The City of Helsinki has commissioned a comprehensive survey of Botbyviken, focusing on analyzing the environmental impact of the new residential area at Botbystranden on the marine environment and nearby shoreline areas. The objective is to ensure that urban development occurs in an ecologically sustainable manner by identifying potential environmental effects on water quality, ecosystems, […]
Pink salmon in Sweden
The project aims to map the distribution and spawning success of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) along the Swedish west coast using environmental DNA (eDNA). By analyzing eDNA traces in the water, researchers can identify the presence of spawning pink salmon and assess whether their offspring survive and establish themselves in the rivers where spawning has […]
Analysing impact of migration barriers
In this project, nine coastal streams in Stockholm County were surveyed using eDNA. The study aimed to detect invasive alien species and map the presence of protected fish species under Swedish conservation programs (ÅGP), including asp (Aspius aspius), ide (Leuciscus idus), and vimba bream (Vimba vimba). Through strategic sampling upstream and downstream of existing migration […]
Fish abundance and water chemistry in the Moälven – indicators of pollution
An eDNA survey of fish and crayfish presence in the Moälven River, Västernorrland County, was conducted on behalf of Moälvens FVO and Moälvsfisket to map species diversity and ecosystem impacts. eDNA samples were analyzed from 14 locations for fish detection and two locations for crayfish, resulting in the identification of 21 unique fish species and […]
Grip on Life
eDNA GRIP is a research project within the EU initiatives GRIP on Life and Life Triple Lakes IP, conducted in collaboration with MIX Research Sweden AB, Karlstad University, and the County Administrative Boards of Jämtland and Västernorrland. The project’s objective is to use advanced eDNA analysis of water and sediment samples to map the presence […]
Rare and red-listed fungi in Norrbotten
Environmental DNA (eDNA) is a powerful method for analyzing biodiversity in soil ecosystems, revealing the presence of bacteria, invertebrates, and fungi. This approach provides deep insights into the ecological status and biodiversity of habitats. On behalf of the County Administrative Board of Norrbotten, a comprehensive eDNA survey of forest soils was conducted to identify rare […]
Snow tracks – Polar bear
This groundbreaking research project aims to develop and optimize methods for identifying polar bear individuals, sex, and genetic relationships through the analysis of environmental DNA (eDNA) from snow tracks. By utilizing snow samples collected in Alaska, the project enables non-invasive and highly precise DNA analysis, revolutionizing the monitoring of this iconic and threatened Arctic species. […]