The impact of stormwater on the ecology of urban watercourses
This research project, in collaboration with Luleå University of Technology, utilizes advanced eDNA analysis to assess how urban stressors, such as stormwater discharges, impact biodiversity in receiving water bodies. By analyzing eDNA traces from macroinvertebrates, diatoms, mussels, amphibians, and fish, we investigate how urbanization and stormwater runoff affect species richness and ecosystem composition. The project […]
Impact analysis of migration barriers and screening for invasive species
In this project, 13 coastal streams in Stockholm County were surveyed using environmental DNA (eDNA) to map fish population composition, identify invasive species, and assess the impact of migration barriers. The study, conducted by MIX Research Sweden on behalf of the County Administrative Board of Stockholm, aims to establish a scientifically based understanding of fish […]
Ilmatar is a leading Nordic energy company and an Independent Power Producer (IPP) that has been exclusively focused on renewable energy since 2011. The company follows a holistic strategy, developing, constructing, owning, and operating wind power facilities throughout their entire lifecycle, which can extend up to 40 years. As part of its long-term commitment to […]
Stormskär & Väderskär
Ilmatar is a leading Nordic energy company and an Independent Power Producer (IPP) that has been exclusively focused on renewable energy since 2011. The company follows a holistic strategy, developing, constructing, owning, and operating wind power facilities throughout their entire lifecycle, which can extend up to 40 years. As part of its long-term commitment to […]
Salmon and freshwater pearl mussel in the Lillpite River
On behalf of the Lillpiteälvsgruppen, an eDNA survey with multi-species analyses is being conducted to map the fish and mussel communities in the Lillpite River and its estuary. The study covers 13 locations and focuses on ecological diversity and species of particular conservation interest, including Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera […]
Fish and freshwater mussels in Nyköpingsån – impact analysis of fish migration barriers
On behalf of the Nyköpingsåarna Water Conservation Association, an eDNA survey with multi-species analysis of fish and freshwater mussels is being conducted in the Nyköpingsån River and its tributaries. A total of 23 locations are being surveyed, primarily upstream of migration barriers, to analyze species presence and how these barriers impact fish and mussel populations. […]
Fish, amphibians, and Chytridiomycosis (BD and BS) in Kalmar County
This survey is part of the County Administrative Board’s regular monitoring program to track the presence of amphibians, fish, and waterborne amphibian diseases, as well as to evaluate the effects of restored wetlands in the region. On behalf of the County Administrative Board of Kalmar County and Sportfiskarna, a comprehensive eDNA survey is being conducted […]
Round goby in Stockholm County
On behalf of the County Administrative Board of Stockholm, a comprehensive eDNA survey of the fish fauna in Lake Mälaren was conducted, with a particular focus on detecting the presence of the invasive round goby (Neogobius melanostomus). A total of 20 eDNA samples were collected from different parts of the lake, including five locations that […]
The invasive zebra mussel
The zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) is an invasive species that has spread to Swedish waters through boat traffic and has established itself in several lakes. Once the species gains a foothold, it can negatively impact the ecosystem by altering water quality and bottom structure, outcompeting native species, and causing damage to infrastructure, such as clogging […]
Round goby in Västerbotten County
On behalf of the County Administrative Board of Västerbotten, an eDNA survey was conducted to monitor the potential presence of the invasive fish species round goby (Neogobius melanostomus). The survey covered six sampling stations, with samples collected on three occasions in June, July, and August 2023. No traces of the species were detected in any […]