A forefront eDNA-player

About us

eDNA for biodiversity

MIX Research Sweden is a research and consulting company with a focus on eDNA technology for biodiversity monitoring. We strive to always generate reliable
high quality data and results. Therefore, it is important for us to be at the forefront of eDNA research and we collaborate with the majority of leading actors to drive development forward. Our dedication to applying and driving the development of new technology makes us a reliable partner for companies, organizations and authorities that take sustainability and the environment seriously.

Sustainable monitoring of biodiversity

Specialists in eDNA

MIX Research Sweden has quickly established itself as a player in the use of eDNA technology, which utilizes genetic information found in the surrounding environment to monitor and analyze biological diversity in an efficient manner. By collecting samples from water, snow, air or soil, we can map and identify different species and their genetic fingerprints, enabling accurate and cost-effective monitoring of ecosystems over time.

The team at MIX

We are a team of experts who are passionate about our work and share a common passion to explore and advance the potential of eDNA technology.

Micaela står i labbet med en vit rock och blåa handskar. Hon jobbar på ett eDNA projekt.

Micaela Hellström

Ph.D. Ecotoxicology & Marine Genetics

Dr Micaela Hellström is co-founder and CEO of MIX Research Sweden. Micaela has more than 30 years of experience in combining ecology with genetics for practical use in species and habitat management and conservation programs. She is involved in the eDNA Citizen Science Project via WWF in, among other places, Alaska and active in European and Swedish standardization processes for eDNA methods as well as the working groups for SIS/CEN.

Viktor sitter bredvid en å med ett provrör i handen. Provet ska visa hur djurlivet i ån ser ut.

Viktor Birgersson

M.Sc. Marine Biology

Viktor Birgersson is co-founder and Vice President of MIX Research Sweden. Viktor has several years of experience in consulting, mainly as project manager for offshore wind power projects with a focus on permit-related environmental issues. He also has extensive experience with eDNA sampling, particularly in offshore environments where he has planned and carried out a large number of studies on fish and marine mammals.

Patrick på en klippa i skärgården, ute på ett eDNA projekt. Han bär ett blått munskydd och blåa handskar.

Patrick Hernvall

M.Sc. Landscape ecology

Patrick Hernvall is co-founder and co-owner of MIX Research Sweden. Patrick has several years of experience in consultancy as a project manager for offshore wind power projects with a focus on permit-related environmental issues. He has extensive experience in planning and carrying out eDNA surveys of fish and amphibians in limnic environments.

Anna Edlund

Ph.D. Microbiology

Anna Edlund is co-founder and advisor to MIX Research Sweden. She is stationed at Oath Inc. in La Jolla, California as Chief Scientific Officer where she leads the development of probiotics to improve the world’s eroded soils and climate. She has over 20 years of experience in the research field of microbial ecology and her work covers various environments/organisms, including soil, marine and brackish water sediments, zooplankton in the Bothnian Sea and environments in the human body.

Articles about our eDNA-work

MIX in media

DNA recovered from polar bear snowprints could shed light on elusive species.
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Undervattensnaturen undersöks i Botbyviken, Helsingfors stad.
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Sampling polar bear footprints in the snow for conservation insights, WWF Arctic.
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Podcast: Polar Bears and Environmental DNA, WWF.
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eDNA-inventering av fisk och stormusslor i Nyköpingsån, nvvf.se.
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I en droppe vatten kan du se vilka fiskar som finns i sjön, naturvårdsverket.
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Kartlägger alla fiskarter med hjälp av vattenhinkar, PT.
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Following in polar bears’ footprints: DNA from snow tracks could help monitor threatened animals, phys.org.
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Keeping track of polar bears through DNA footprints, cosmosmagazine.com.
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